Other DCC Systems
Roco Z21 DCC System (10820) *Including Free Decoder*
Price: £391.63Tax Free
The Z21 version for experts (black box) makes the switch to Z21 simple: It is completely compatible to previous systems with all multiMAUS models and to the Lokmaus 2 and features three standard multiMAUS ports. Your locomotives are automatically recognized and report their status over RailCom® to the Z21. That way you can take care of large vehicle fleets with a minimum of effort – And use current status reports in the operation apps. Software and sound of the ZIMO sound decoders can be comfortably updated with the Z21 with your smartphone. This way your digital locomotives are always at the latest top level at all times. The Z21 supports a multitude of standard interfaces and connection options – Ideal if you want to continually enlarge your layout or want to add new functions to it. The system package contains: WLAN(WIFI) router, and an efficient multi-voltage power supply.
The Z21 by default has an accessory address offset which can cause some confusion. To deactivate this, you will need the configuration tool which is available from the link below.
We also wrote an article about this which is available HERE.
When you purchase your Z21 system from DCCconcepts, you will receive a *FREE* single Zen Locomotive Decoder!
This item is ordered on request from our supplier.
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