Other Useful Lamp, Lighting & Signal Related Products

Choosing the right tools and power supplies makes the job easier and the results better! We highly recommend you visit the “gauges, tools and Fasteners” page to see our fine wire strippers, and a visit to the “DCCcontrol and wiring” pages will show you our wide selection of wiring options.

The last aspect is here – the perfect Power Supply!

The PSU-2 has a unique 9v + 9v output that also bridges together to give you a perfectly regulated 18v DC for your DCC system. Each 9v output can be used independently though – and 9v DC is a great place to start for a layout-wide light control power bus… so the PSU-2 can power your trains AND lights… and at 9v output, perfectly stable and regulated, it is also the perfect power supply for the Original Cobalt Classic, New Cobalt Omega Ω and Cobalt iP-Analog motors!

The wall plug power supply offered is great value… and will power many, many lights and LEDs at very low cost.

Lamps, Lighting & Signals category