ESP Ψ aegis Accessories

ESP Ψ aegis Cap and Lanyard for NCE PowerCab & ProCab
Price: £24.96Tax Free
These two simple items alone will make a huge difference to the way you operate your layout.
(By the way – the Cap and Lanyard works equally well with PowerCab, ProCab and ProCab-R)
The aegis Cap and Lanyard don’t just hold the PowerCab and keep it conveniently to hand – They also make sure it cannot be dropped and gently protect the vulnerable LCD display.
(A broken display screen when a PowerCab is dropped is the most common causes of PowerCab damage).
By the way… the Lanyard is adjustable so it fits well for operators of all sizes and it features a strong and easy to use “Snap clasp” so you can choose to operate or drive your trains without the lanyard attached if you prefer, returning it to the lanyard only when you need your hands to re-rail a train or do other things around the layout during an operating session.
It is also perfect for your club or exhibition days too, as you’ll never misplace your DCC controller again!
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